
Click on an image to download

Brief Bio (pdf)

Mike’s bio in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.

File size is 951 KB.   Get Adobe Reader

8½  X 11 (pdf)
Landscape Poster

A letter sized landscape poster, in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, that can be used to get the word out about concert dates.

File size is 1.17 MB.   Get Adobe Reader

8½  X 11 (doc)
Landscape Poster

A letter sized landscape poster, in Microsoft Word (doc) format, that can be used to get the word out about concert dates.

File size is 1.4 MB.

8½  X 11 (pdf)
Portrait Poster

A letter sized portrait poster, in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, that can be used to get the word out about concert dates.

File size is 1.16 MB.   Get Adobe Reader

8½  X 11 (doc)
Portrait Poster

A letter sized portrait poster, in Microsoft Word (doc) format, that can be used to get the word out about concert dates.

File size is 1.4 MB.

Sample Songs
Fill My Cup, Lord
Keep Your Eyes On The Prize
My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me
Still One Nation Under God
Until Then